Saturday, January 19, 2019

Initially, I was going to post photos from the 50s and 60s - from every walk of life - from the mundane to the glamorous, from the people who were icons of the time to people who went about the business of living in this world during a time that many think and feel was much better than today. I admonish those NEVER to glorify or romanticize the past, for we seldom, if ever recall things as they WERE, but as we,  through our subjective prism, recall them. So inchoate is this blog that I've yet to decide whiter I am bound. I think I'll begin with my passion and that's "Classic Hollywood." - now there are so many wonderful blogs here critiquing films, but the behind-the-scenes anecdotes about the stars, studio executives and Hollywood, writ large, are fascinating. So I hope you'll join me on my magic carpet ride back fifty or sixty plus years to a different world and a very different movie industry.